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Why Social-Emotional Learning?

The ability to integrate each of the social and emotional competencies into a student's thinking and deeds enables a child to show greater empathy, rebound more readily from setbacks, develop a more pronounced resolve, and thrive amidst harrowing circumstances. With every intentional demonstration of these skills - undergirded by the presence of a caring adult - a child is more likely to develop a hunger to grow in maturity, integrity, and selflessness.

Mother and Daughter Love


Developing the art of thinking outside of one's self in order to connect with others

  • communicating

  • building relationship

  • team-building 

Seniors Socializing


Increasing one's ability to think and act for the good of others


  • treating others with dignity

  • taking perspectives

  • displaying compassion

Crossing the Finish Line


Becoming equipped to navigate life with independence


  • exercising self-discipline

  • developing motivation

  • defining and fulfilling goals 

Image by Mark Timberlake


Understanding one's inner working in order to cultivate abilities


  • examining one's values

  • recognizing strengths and limitations

  • identifying mindsets and emotions

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Taking ownership for wise choices

  • identifying problems or conflicts

  • thinking critically about solutions

  • making ethical choices

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